Swimming Against the Tide: Timeless Investing Wisdom for an Uncertain World

Ocean Blue
4 min readMay 26, 2024

We crave certainty. We crave control. Yet, in a world awash in information and opinions, the future remains a hazy, unpredictable landscape. Howard Marks, renowned investor and co-founder of Oaktree Capital Management, offers a refreshing antidote to this modern dilemma. In a captivating talk at Google, Marks pulls back the curtain on his decades-long investment journey, revealing a philosophy that transcends the realm of finance and speaks directly to the human condition.

This isn’t your typical get-rich-quick spiel. Marks doesn’t promise shortcuts or magical formulas. Instead, he invites us to embrace a more nuanced, contrarian way of thinking, one that acknowledges the power of randomness, prioritizes defense, and celebrates the value of independent thought. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or simply navigating the uncertainties of daily life, Marks’ insights offer a powerful framework for making sound decisions in a world where more things can happen than will happen.

1. The Six-Foot Man and the Five-Foot Stream: A Lesson in Humility

Imagine a man confidently wading into a stream, only to discover, mid-stride, that the average depth means little when you stumble into an unexpected trench. This vivid analogy encapsulates Marks’ core message: we are often “fooled by randomness.” We cling to averages, to predictions, to the illusion of control, forgetting that life, like the market, rarely unfolds according to a neat script.

Marks’ own journey is a testament to this truth. He recounts witnessing the collapse of seemingly invincible companies and the surprising resilience of those written off as “junk.” These experiences solidified his belief that the future is not a single point on a map but a vast spectrum of possibilities, influenced by forces we can’t always predict or control.

This realization isn’t about succumbing to pessimism or fatalism. It’s about embracing humility. It’s about acknowledging the limits of our knowledge and accepting that unforeseen events can derail even the most well-laid plans. By incorporating this understanding into our decision-making processes, we can build resilience and cultivate the adaptability needed to navigate a world of constant flux.

2. The Art of Not Losing: Why Defense Wins Championships

In a world obsessed with winning, Marks champions a seemingly paradoxical strategy: prioritizing not losing. He draws a parallel to amateur tennis, where victory often comes not from dazzling winners but from patiently returning the ball, waiting for the opponent to falter. This “losers game” is about minimizing unforced errors, protecting your position, and patiently capitalizing on opportunities.

It’s a philosophy that challenges our cultural obsession with hitting home runs and chasing immediate gratification. It reminds us that slow and steady wins the race, that protecting capital is often the surer path to long-term success. Marks’ own investment firm, Oaktree Capital, built its reputation on this principle, consistently delivering solid returns even during tumultuous market swings.

This defensive mindset transcends the realm of finance. In our careers, relationships, and personal lives, it’s tempting to chase the next big win, the next promotion, the next viral sensation. But Marks’ wisdom encourages us to prioritize building a solid foundation, honing our skills, and avoiding the pitfalls that can derail our efforts. By playing not to lose, we cultivate resilience, develop consistency, and position ourselves for sustained success over time.

3. Embracing the Contrarian: Finding Value Where Others Fear to Tread

Marks’ journey into the world of high-yield, or “junk,” bonds in the 1970s embodies his contrarian spirit. While most investors shunned these assets as too risky, Marks saw an opportunity. He recognized that beneath the negative perception lay undervalued companies with the potential for growth. This willingness to challenge conventional wisdom and seek out opportunities where others fear to tread became a hallmark of his success.

The contrarian mindset is a powerful tool in our information-saturated world. It’s about cultivating healthy skepticism, questioning prevailing narratives, and conducting our own research. It’s about resisting the urge to blindly follow the crowd, even when it seems everyone is headed in the same direction. This doesn’t mean rejecting conventional wisdom outright. It means thoughtfully considering alternative perspectives, looking for opportunities that others might overlook, and being willing to chart our own course.

Marks’ talk is a powerful reminder that true wisdom often lies not in following the well-trodden path but in forging our own. He encourages us to embrace uncertainty, prioritize defense, and cultivate a contrarian spirit — a powerful combination for navigating the complexities of a world in constant flux.

